What Rotary Means to The Community

A few of the benefits accruing to the Community


  • Tends to make the community a friendly one by promoting genial fellowship and thoughtfulness of others;
  • Helps to obliterate factions by providing a common meeting ground and appealing to unselfish motives;
  • Cooperates with and thereby strengthens other local organizations;
  • Is a group striving to develop a spirit of whole-hearted cooperation in the handling of questions of public welfare;
  • Is a non-partisan, non-sectarian group in a position to win popular support for plans for community betterment, however initiated;
  • Serves as a training ground for constructive leadership – an invaluable asset to the community;
  • Can, through Rotary contacts, in the interests of its community avail itself of the experience of hundreds of other towns and cities in improving themselves; and
  • Links the community into a chain of many thousands of other communities in 167 countries all having Rotary clubs, thus giving it world affiliations and keeping it in the main-stream of world progress.


What Rotary Means to Club Members

A few of the benefits accruing to the Club Members,


  • Affords members an opportunity to express in a practical way those nobler desires found in everyone who wants to make a contribution to the betterment
    of the society;
  • Gives members a new and increased opportunity to express in action their desire to be helpful to others;
  • Widens constantly the members’ circle of friends;
  • Increases members’ knowledge of business and professions other than their own, and gives them a sympathetic understanding of the problems of others;
  • Encourages and supports members in their efforts to conduct their business/profession according to the highest stands of correct practice;
  • Serves as an ideal means for developing members’ talents and capacities to the utmost – (many members have found new interests and new activities through the Rotary Club);
  • Gives members a friendly contact and hearty welcome in almost every important city in the world;
  • Increases member’s knowledge of world affairs and gives them a keener appreciation of the true character of other peoples; and
  • Gives members the satisfaction of participating in a movement, which is building international understanding.